The Twisted [展开]
The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat is an animated series starring the classic 1919 feline character, Felix the Cat roduced for television by Film Roman. It aired from Se tember 9, 1995 to November 25, 1997 on CBS. The show was a modern take on the original 1958 series roduced by Otto Messmer's former assistant, Joe Oriolo. His son, Don Oriolo, was involved in the creation of this series as well. In many ways, the show reverts to the silent era of shorts with surreal settings and offbeat character de ictions. Felix is also more like his original mischievous adult form, rather than the young and innocent de iction from the 1930s, 1950s and the 1988 film Felix the Cat: The Movie. It does, however, contain some elements from the 1950s series such as Felix's Magic Bag of Tricks and the character Poindexter. The series starred Thom Adcox-Hernandez as the voice of Felix the Cat. Later on in the series though, he was re laced by Charlie Adler for unknown reasons. It was roduced by Phil Roman and Timothy Berglund and is re uted to have been one of the most ex ensive cartoons ever made by Film Roman.[2] Martin Olson and Jeremy Kramer, two comedy writers known for ushing the envelo e into the bizarre, wrote both outlines and scri ts for the series. The main theme was com osed by Don Oriolo, while the musical score and closing theme were com osed and erformed by the Club Foot Orchestra. from: /wiki/The_Twisted_Tales_of_Felix_the_Cat [收起]