主演:导演:Michel Ancel语言:英语 / 西班牙语 地区: 法国 编剧:类型:动作 / 科[展开]
< >主导演:Michel Ancel语言:英语 / 西班牙语 地区: 法国 编剧:类型:动作 / 科幻 / 动画 / 奇幻 / 冒险上映时间:2003-11-11 别名:撕裂的天堂用户标签:游戏,2003,ACT,MS很好看,剧情,美国片长:imdb编号:tt0397040< >< >...On the small island civilization of Hyllis, the DomZ creatures are a ruthless alien race which have invaded the Hyllian eo le. The government has set u the Al ha Section, which is a society "devoted to the safety of Hyllis", or at least that's what they want you to think. The Al ha Sections are always late to the scene when an invasion occurs, and they're shields are always "broken". The Al ha Sections also work for and are controlled by the DomZ themselves!! Your job as Jade, the hotojournalist, is to uncover the cons iracy your government uts before you an ex ose the real horrors the Al ha Sections corru t, and show Hyllis the truth to the Iris network, the grou devoted to good. As you lay through the levels, you're required to take hotos of DomZ activity to show Hyllians the truth, with many twists, turns, and obstacles, with a bit of heartbreak, on the way. Written by Bradd06
As Jade the hotojournalist, you must ex ose the cons iracy the government uts before you and your eo le by taking hotogra hs of alien activity, with accom lices hel ing them. The same accom lices which are su osed to be hel ing save Hillys! Reveal the truth about the Al ha sections and des ose of the DomZ monsters at once! Written by Bradd06< > [收起]